The house on Tavricheskaya Street in which this apartment is situated has connections with one of the most vibrant periods in the history of St Petersburg, the Silver Age. The poet Vyacheslav Ivanov’s apartment, where the Symbolists met, was situated in the house’s round tower. The poets Anna Akhmatova, Alexander Blok, Andrei Bely, Dmitri Merezhkovsky, Zinaida Gippius, Maximilian Voloshin and Osip Mandelstam and the artists Konstantin Somov, Leon Bakst, Mstislav Donuzhinsky and Evgeni Lanceret were regular visitors to the famous “Tower”.
The idea of this project is to recreate the principle of arranging rooms in an enfilade, which is traditional for a flat in St Petersburg, using all available tools for working in such a space. The entrance hall is a small round vestibule with a dome, from which it seems natural to follow the direction of motion along the line of columns, forming a reverse perspective within which the window opening positioned on its axis is included.
A stucco cornice leads on to its painted trompe l’oeil imitation.
The post-modern nature of this solution can clearly be seen in the design of the portal of the bedroom door.
A traditional ceramic-tiled stove, reproduced by specialists, is in contrast to the ьmodern furniture, and its pale and delicate glaze shows off the expensive, matt and velvety leather.