Andrey Kurochkin has been living in Prague since 2010. Now he is working on various projects in Europe.
We are convinced that a modern work of architecture cannot claim to be of value unless it springs from ideas based on laws of traditional architecture. The concept of cultivating modern art by means of denying classical architecture, music and poetry derives from simple ignorance, from being armed with indulgence in treating the traditional culture as an obsolete and departing stylistic epoque. Ignorance and incomprehension of basic laws and criteria should not be shielded by the barren appearance of seeking the new forms of self-expression. It is only through traditional approach to aesthetic needs of a human, the apprehension of one’s position, one’s value in a created environ that makes architecture beautiful and estimable.
Now we have opened a new office in Prague. This allows designing and supervising to be carried out in the direct proximity of the construction sites within the EU.